Posted 30th July 2020
Social Value UK and International are proud to announce that Dr Gonca Ongan of Koç University Social Impact Forum has achieved status as a Level 1 Associate Practitioner!
Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF) was founded in 2012 within Koç University as a research and practice center on social impact. KUSIF’s starting point is that it’s necessary to conduct social impact measurement, manage social impact and maximize it for the rightful use of resources and success in accounting for value. KUSIF aims to become a “reference point” in social impact studies by working with specialist organizations from different disciplines and executing activities within such a framework. KUSIF’s vision is a Turkish economy in which NGOs, funders, social entrepreneurs, private sector entities not only plan ahead for their social impact but also integrate social impact analysis to their overall work ethic and day-to-day operations.
KUSIF is leading the Turkish Social Impact Group and working to set standards for social impact measurement and management in Turkey. Generating Turkish resources on social impact measurement, creating collaborative networks among civil society, public and private entities are KUSIF’s center activities. Plus, KUSIF designs undergraduate courses on social impact and social entrepreneurship in Koç University and conducts projects to get the campus more sustainable.

Why have you decided to undertake the Social Value International Practitioner Pathway? What has lead to your application for Level 1 of Practitioner?
I have been working in the social sector in Turkey since 2005 and have been the Managing Director of Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF) since 2012. The first action that I did was to become a member of SVI in 2013. We have been applying SVI principles and approaches in Turkey since 2012. I thought that it is time to be part of the SVI practitioner community officially.
What did you learn and find useful from this assessment process?
It is a process that reminds me what the key points are and why and how we are applying the SVI principles.
Is there anything that you believe you will gain or find useful in the next steps you will take for working towards becoming an Accredited Practitioner?
I believe that it is an individually empowering process. Being part of an international community is very useful in the next steps.
Are there any other specific projects you are doing at the moment that are related to SROI/social value?
We are in the process of growing the Social Value Network in Turkey. It is a very exciting time for us. With my colleagues, we have started social impact measurement and management trainings for small groups in January 2020. It is very motivating seeing participants leaving the training feeling enlightened and motivated in their journey of creating more social value for their stakeholders. Additionally, we are very proud that we apply the content of the Maximize Your Impact: A Guide for Social Entrepreneurs in our KUSIF courses with the students.
You have now joined a community of practice around the globe. What does this mean to you and why do you want to participate and contribute to the development of the methodology and overall social value movement?
I believe that if the number of these like-minded practitioners and institutions who believe the power of social value grow all around the world, we could be able to change the norms of the business as usual. I know that there are great organizations and as well as individuals who could have impacts in setting the standards and contribute to the methodology globally and nationally.
I have been involved with the SVI network actively since 2013. Being able to continue my contribution as an Associate Practitioner from now on is very exciting. I feel the responsibility to produce more resources and disseminate the knowledge on how to account for value to make the world more sustainable.
Dr Gonca Ongan, Managing Director
For more information, please contact Dr. Gonca Ongan at [email protected]