Posted 3rd December 2020
Social Value UK invites you to take part in our ‘Impact of COVID-19 on the social value movement’ survey.
2020 has been a year for the history books, and we are looking to understand how the local, regional, national and global challenges we have all been navigating have affected our members. We would greatly appreciate hearing from you on how you and your organisations, and the overall social value movement, have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as social justice movements and political changes worldwide.
The types of questions we are looking to explore in this survey and through your answers are: Are we more or less determined to embed social value into decision making? How prepared are we for the future? What issues and challenges do we still face as a movement? How can the network work together and better support each other into 2021?
Findings from this research will be published in early 2021 and will be used to assist us in continually improving our service as a professional body for social value, and in defining our network activities into the next year.
The survey will be live until 5pm GMT on Monday January 4th 2021.
Complete the survey here.