Assurance & Accreditation Services

Social Value UK provide a range of assurance and accreditation services on behalf of Social Value International (SVI).

Assurance provides confidence in your work and the judgements you have made. It is also a useful learning tool to assess how you might be able to improve your social value measurement and management systems. Assurance also speaks directly to Principle 7 –  Verify the result.

Four people sitting at a table looking at papers

Professional Pathway

This pathway accredits an individual’s skills, knowledge and practice in social value, impact management and the practical application of the SVI framework in social impact assessment and SROI.

The SVI Framework is guided first and foremost by the Social Value Principles, supported by guidance and standards. The three-tiered Professional Pathway is designed to ensure that individuals across the SVI network have a good level of technical understanding both theoretically and in practice.

Social Value Management Certificate

The Social Value Management Certificate is organisational accreditation, evidencing commitment to and delivery of principled social value practice. It demonstrates that an organisation is continuously working to improve the amount of social value they create. It goes beyond just reporting, and covers the way in which data is gathered, analysed, and acted upon so that better decisions are made to improve the lives of stakeholders.

Three people sitting at a table writing
Two people sitting at a table

Report Assurance

Assuring your Social Value or Social Return on Investment (SROI) report will give your work a mark of quality and credibility. During the process of Report Assurance, your social value or SROI analysis will be independently checked by our qualified assessors. They will check that the report shows good understanding of social value principles and practice.

Software Accreditation

Software Accreditation assesses that your software enables a user to capture the information required to complete a Social Value analysis in line with the Principles of Social Value. Software Accreditation gives your customers the confidence that your tool can be used to produce a Social Return on Investment (SROI) or social value analysis.

A pair of hands holding a pen and writing notes on a large piece of paper

Report Review service

The Report Review service is a useful and practical learning exercise for any organisation or author that has prepared a social value report, impact report, or Social Return on Investment (SROI) report. Report Review can help an organisation know how well their reporting can be used to make informed decisions which improve social value, and if the voices of stakeholders are being adequately heard. For practitioners who write reports, the feedback can be used to improve the future reporting and improve their understanding an application of the Principles of Social Value.

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