Posted 11th January 2023
We are delighted to announce that the Draft Standards for Principle 6: Be Transparent (that includes an updated SVI Reporting Standard) and Principle 7: Verify the Result are now out for consultation.
The main aim of this consultation is to receive feedback on the Draft SVI Standards for Principle 6 (Be Transparent), Principle 7 (Verify the result) and an updated SVI Reporting Standard. The deadline for this public consultation is 5pm Friday 17th February 2023.
Social Value International is building a movement to transform the way organisations account for value, make decisions and achieve social goals. An important part of our movement is developing a principles-based approach for accounting for value and decision making. As a membership organisation they take pride in their work collaboratively creating standards and guidance for applying each principle, and these Draft Standards are a huge stepping stone in our collective ability to ensure consistency in approach and understanding across our global community.
To download the Draft Standards or for more information on how to have you say, visit the Social Value International website.
Posted 11th January 2023