Posted 7th March 2023
Over the past four years, the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre on Investment for Health and Well-being (WHO CC) at Public Health Wales, have been working to develop a pioneering programme of work towards measuring and understanding value and impact. As part of a wider organisational and global drive, they have been looking to apply a Social Value approach towards building a ‘Value-Based Public Health’ and an Economy of Well-being in Wales, the UK and beyond.
They launched their Social Value Database and Simulator (SVDS) for Public Health in summer 2022. An innovative tool for collation, storage and manipulation of health economics evidence, the database currently includes Social Return on Investment (SROI) evidence. The database has been informed by and developed in collaboration with experts in Social Value and SROI; researchers and health economists; and colleagues across Public Health Wales, the NHS and the Welsh Government. It provides essential information to help inform public health and wider decision-making, investment prioritisation and programme improvement in order to maximise value for money and support a more sustainable and resilient NHS and economy, placing population health and well-being at its heart.
If you have been involved in an SROI study which reports health or well-being outcomes and you would like it to be included on the database, or if you are interested in learning more about our work, please get in reach out to them via [email protected]
Posted 7th March 2023