Posted 2nd April 2020

Social Value International is proud to announce that Eleri Lloyd, Social Value Manager at Mantell Gwynedd is the latest person to achieve status as an Accredited Trainer with us!
We chatted to Eleri about the application process and her experience thus far as an Accredited Trainer!
Why did you decide to apply to become an Accredited Trainer with Social Value International?
Last year I become an Accredited Practitioner so this was naturally the next step for me. As an organisation we do offer training, and there is an increasing demand for this service in Wales. Being able to offer training by an Accredited Trainer will offer our delegates greater assurance regarding the contents and delivery of the training programme.
What did you learn and find useful from this assessment process? How did you find working with your assessor?
I have a teaching qualification and I do run many training sessions but being part of this process allowed me to take a step back and assess myself again as a trainer. The process not only helped me to look at the training materials and contents, but also the delivery such as good time management, keeping the whole class engaged, and other beneficial training tips.
Our assessor was extremely knowledgeable, patient and the whole process was enjoyable.

Now that you are an Accredited Trainer with SVI what do you plan to do next, and how will you continue to develop your practice?
As an organisation we already offer training across North Wales and beyond in association with our partners. Being an Accredited Trainer with SVI gives me greater confidence as a trainer that I can contribute to be an advocate for the social value principles but will also offer delegates greater reassurance in the training they are provided. I’m looking forward to continuing my personal development by being part of the Accredited Trainer community and getting involved in the conversations about developing resources and practices.
Are there any other specific projects you are doing at the moment that are related to SROI/social value?
I work for Mantell Gwynedd, County Voluntary Council in North Wales and we run the Social Value Cymru project. We support third sector organisation to embed social value into their organisations, especially in their decision making. We also offer specialist advice and training across Wales and support many of our County Voluntary Council partners.
We also coordinate the North Wales Social Value Network that meets every quarter and brings together third sector organisations, County Voluntary Councils, Local Authorities, Health Board and Universities to share good practice and discuss how we can embed social value in commissioning and procurement activities.
You are a member of a community of practitioners from across the globe. What does this mean to you and why do you want to participate and contribute to the development of the methodology and overall social value movement, through your practice and the training you will deliver?
I’m delighted to be part of the social value movement internationally with the aim of reducing inequality within our communities and environmental harm.
“I’m thrilled to be an Accredited Trainer with Social Value International. This will help us as an organisation to continue to be a key part of the social value movement in north Wales but also helps me personally with my motivation to support organisations to maximise the social value they create for the people who matter the most, our beneficiaries.”Eleri Lloyd
If you wish to hear more about Eleri’s social value journey, please contact her at:
[email protected]
01286 672 626