First TLG Meeting on Translating Environment into Social Value

First TLG Meeting on Translating Environment into Social Value

Posted 2nd May 2024

In its inaugural meeting on April 9th, Social Value UK’s Thought Leadership Group (TLG) led by esteemed members SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK and Ridge & Partners, embarked on an exploration aimed at enhancing understanding of the environmental pillar of sustainability within the context of social value.

This TLG’s objective aligns with the purpose of the Principles to lead inclusion of social, environmental and economic value in decision-making. As our wellbeing is reliant upon the natural world, the TLG seeks to discuss social value practice that effectively recognises and responds to this crucial aspect of our survival.

After a welcome from us (Social Value UK), Yulia from Social Value International kicked off the discussion by highlighting the imperative of understanding natural value and social value. A distinction may be vital given the updated definition of social value that focuses on measuring changes in aspects of wellbeing, but it doesn’t ignore the interdependence between environmental and social outcomes. It was emphasised that decision-making must acknowledge this interdependence and respond appropriately. Yulia also unveiled ongoing efforts within SVI to create more guidance on how to address environmental outcomes in social accounts, including the establishment of a working group later in the year, which insights from this TLG can inform.

Led by Sarah at Suez Recycling and Recovery UK and Cara at Ridge & Partners, the discussion delved into three proposed questions for this TLG to address. Breakout sessions enriched the discourse, with participants grappling with the challenges of translating environmental data into actionable insights and fostering behavioral change.

Following an agreement on the TLG’s objectives and outputs, the group began planning for their next meeting, which will focus on task allocation and survey refinement. This collaborative spirit underscores a collective commitment to understanding environmental considerations in social value frameworks.

If you are a Social Value UK member and an expert in environmental and social value interested in participating in this TLG, it’s not too late to get involved. Simply sign up for the next meeting on May 15th at 15:00.