Press Release: New site to aid social value commissioning

Posted 27th February 2014


Social Value Commissioning leads the way for The SROI Networks latest website. Launched this week allows those involved in the commissioning process to access case studies and results from others facing unchartered social value territory.

The Social Value Act has now been in place for a year encouraging more consideration of social value in commissioning decisions. For many commissioners finding examples from others can be a key step to beginning this process. However there are currently only a small number of case studies available in the public domain and these often only cover specific aspects of the commissioning cycle. The SROI Network has therefore created a site to allow users to find information on social value commissioning, whilst also being able to upload their own findings.

The site already holds information from key organisations such as Worcestershire County Council and Selwood Housing, however as a larger number of people utilise the site the Network hopes it will become a vital resource for those involved with commissioning for social value.

Separated into easily identifiable categories the site allows users to search by commissioning cycle stages such as planning or review whilst cross referencing this with who it is leading the commissioning process from a single organisation to multiple organisations or cross sector commissioning.

This website is supported by the SROI Network and has emerged from the experiences of their members over several years in training, offering guidance, and looking for examples of social value in commissioning.

This site exists to be utilised by suppliers looking at the type of social value they can provide alongside commissioners looking to improve what they do by finding examples from others.

Social Value Commissioning is free to use and hopes to encourage the sharing of cases of best practice whilst enabling both discussion and learning.

For more information contact Emily Crawford Communications and Membership Manager [email protected]