Principle 6: Be Transparent

Standard on applying Principle 6

Demonstrate the basis on which the analysis may be considered accurate and honest, and show that it will be reported to and discussed with stakeholders.

Information on applying Principle 6: Be transparent can be found in the Guide to Social Return on Investment (2012), available here.

The Standard on applying Principle 6: Be transparent is due to be published soon.


Useful guidance:


SDG Impact Standards

The SDG Impact Standards (the Standards) have been developed by SDG Impact – a flagship initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) – to help investors and enterprises operate more sustainably and contribute positively to sustainable development and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Transparency: Being transparent is an important element of being accountable to Stakeholders – all interested parties including those affected or potentially affected in future by the organization’s decisions and activities. It also helps Stakeholders make more informed decisions, for instance about whether they want to work with or for the organization, invest in or lend to the organization, or buy or use the organization’s products and services. To be effective, transparency needs to be useful and accessible to all Stakeholders

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