Reports Database:
Gardening in Mind Social Return on Investment Report

Gardening in Mind Social Return on Investment Report

assurance kitemarkGardening in Mind provides the opportunity for people with mental ill health to increase their skills and knowledge through the development and management of allotment space. The food produced is sold to disadvantaged groups and the local community. The service is for people aged over 18 who are experiencing mental ill health.

This project combines the advantages of ‘green’ exercise with an awareness raising drive to improve knowledge of the links between nutrition, physical exercise and mental health and wellbeing.

The project site is a large plot made up of five allotments which provide a beautiful green space in the heart of the city. Vegetable beds are complemented by fruit trees, borders, seating area and a working water well. The plot, lovingly tended by service users, volunteers and staff, is a peaceful and tranquil environment which offers therapeutic, practical and social benefits to all participants.