Reports Database:
The Self-Healing Power – A Social Return on Investment Study of YANG SHENG FOUNDATION’s Self-Healing Enhancement Program for Older Adults

“This report details the Social Return on Investment (SROI) evaluation analysis conducted on the Self-Healing Enhancement Program (the program) courses delivered by Yang Sheng Foundation (YSF) for older adults who are above the age of 60. The results demonstrate that significant social value is created through the course, with SROI result of $1: $11.49 meaning that for every $1 invested, $11.49 of social value is created.
Fundamental to the success of the program is the holistic health self-management approaches designed in the 3-stage program course. The program was developed by a group of experts from various professional fields who have an in-depth understanding of local older adult’s learning behaviours. On top of that, they have adopted practices from USA and Japan’s community health promotion programs and continuously incorporated latest research in related area.”