Reports Database:
Artists for Mental Health Mindfulness Project Social Return on Investment Evaluation

“Artists for Mental Health, located in Vancouver, British Columbia (BC), is a non-profit organization engaged in increasing mental health awareness to artists in communities in Vancouver, BC, and the UK. The organization started in 2018 in response to meeting the needs of struggling artists who have no avenue to turn to for mental health support.
The organization encourages and strengthens “our inclusive community. We aid by providing resources and support to those who experience mental illness” (Artists for Mental Health [A4MH], n.d., para. 1). Many individuals with mental health problems often have a difficult time integrating with others in society, and they often experience isolation, depression, and low confidence (Gwinner, Knox, & Hacking, 2009, para. 1).
Engaging other participants in the community helps with A4MH’s (n.d.) vision by “providing resources and support to those who experience mental illness” (para. 1). One way the organization has done this was by piloting a mindfulness workshop in January of 2020.
The purpose of the forecast SROI project for A4MH includes:
1. To complete a Social Return on Investment (SROI) report that accurately reflects the
value of the mindfulness project,
2. To support A4MH in identifying ways to measure outcomes that could help enhance
the program to the participants,
3. To provide an SROI report that helps the organization with changes for a future