Reports Database:
Black Country Talent Match SROI Annual report
“Talent Match is a national test and learn programme with a focus on how we understand what works in helping young people who are unemployed. At the heart of the programme is a core belief that young people matter. We need to support them to fulfil their potential; from becoming ‘work ready’, securing employment or taking up enterprising opportunities. This progression is important. Long-term unemployment can seriously harm the future life prospects of young people, from lower earnings, further unemployment and more ill health later in life.
The programme has not been without its challenges. Numerous partnerships have told us that the young people they are dealing with are not just furthest away from the labour market, they
have multiple and complex issues and barriers which prevent them from accessing work. These needs take time to address and overcome but with the correct wrap-around support they are not insurmountable and progress can be made. A key aspect of this progression is to continue to demonstrate and share the principle findings from Social Return on Investment studies, to not only show the economic impact but more importantly the human impact these interventions can and do have.”