Reports Database:
Drink Up Bobonaro Impact Assessment
“The Drink Up Bobonaro project in Timor-Leste started in August 2014 when Kopernik partnered with local partner, Hemetin Asaun Dezenvolvimento Edukasaun no Ekonomia Rural (HADEER), to distribute 480 Nazava water filters in Bobonaro district. The Nazava ceramic water filters remove microorganisms from the water and reduce the level of harmful chemicals, such as pesticides and chlorine. After filtration, the water is safe to drink and has a pleasant taste.
In June 2015 while the distribution was still ongoing, a Kopernik fellow, Imelda Wang, visited Maliana in Timor-Leste to conduct an impact assessment. By conducting household surveys, she identified the impact of the use of water filters on the lives of people who bought them. The impact assessment involved interviews with 54 water filter buyers (from a total of 115 buyers when this report was composed).”