Reports Database:
Social Return on Investment (SROI) Report on the Excellence and Happiness Project

Since 2005, the Cathay Charity Foundation has organized diverse service programs aiming at helping new female immigrants adjust to the new environment in terms of language, culture, parenting, child education and social adaptation in general, which facilitate their integration into the Taiwanese society. In addition, as “immigrant mothers” have put down their roots in Taiwan, we also extended our programs to their children (the “second-generation immigrants”). With a series of community activities, we aim at assisting new immigrant families in various aspects and building a harmonious and multicultural society.
In order to address the social and cultural issues immigrant mothers and their children encountered, Cathay Charity Foundation and National Taipei University of Education jointly launched the Excellence and Happiness Project. The project includes education in the immigrants’ native languages, cross-cultural activities, and strengthening second generation immigrants’ connections with their parents’ native cultures. It is hoped that this project will contribute to the creation of new energies and capabilities for Taiwan in the future as well as to promote respect for and inclusion of other cultures.
This project applied the Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach, which is commonly used for measuring social impact. PwC Taiwan acted as an impartial third party and employed a rigorous and meticulous evaluation process in the implementation of the project, including communicating with stakeholders involved in the project as well as adopting a professional attitude of integrity and accountability, so that the impact of the Excellence and Happiness Project can be identified in a more objective and comprehensive manner and the benefits of the project maximized. The experience thus obtained will serve as a useful tool for the planning and management of future activities and projects.