Reports Database:
Final report for the Give it Up project

“Substance misuse is a key public health priority within the UK. Recent policy recommendations have highlighted the importance of providing services which focus on substance misuse recovery, not just treatment. Such support provides individuals with the skills and experiences they need to address key issues in their life which support their substance misuse recovery. It is hoped that this approach will help people to maintain abstinence and avoid relapse.
It has been recognised that the development of recovery capital is key to successful recovery. Recovery capital refers to the resources available to sustain recovery and refers to four key elements: human capital, social capital, physical and economic capital and cultural capital. Current service provision is predominantly provided by NHS, Local Authority and voluntary sector organisations. Some substance misuse provision in the UK does include a recovery function, however, recovery communities have an important role to play in delivering a range of services to support the development of recovery capital.
The Comic Relief ‘Give it Up’ Fund is a programme that aims to develop and build abstinence-based recovery communities and learn more about their value. The Give it Up Fund was delivered between October 2014 and October 2016 to support the development of recovery communities in four
geographical locations in England.”