Reports Database:
Giving World Online and its impact

“Giving World is a national charity whose objective is to enhance people’s life chances and to tackle poverty through the distribution of free surplus goods. It does this through a network of donors and distribution partners.
In 2015 Giving World distributed 73 tonnes of goods worth £710k1, making a positive difference to up to 297,985 beneficiaries in the UK and overseas.2 The majority (66%) of the goods were distributed in the UK valued at £434k (61% of the total value), benefiting some 222,264 beneficiaries.
Giving World’s activities target more disadvantaged groups in society: people with health problems, families on low incomes, children, young people, homeless people, unemployed individuals or elderly people – all groups that are at higher risk of poverty. This report focuses therefore on the impact Giving World has on its beneficiaries, who are generally part of more vulnerable economic / social groups.
The goods distributed include basic necessities (such as food and clothing) and other useful commodities such as education materials, toys for children, books or personal hygiene goods. Because of the nature, some of the goods have the ability to fulfil the everyday needs of people as well as enhance the lives of people who, in many cases, would be unable to buy such goods on the market had the Charity not existed.
Even though Giving World’s activities extend outside the UK, this analysis focuses on beneficiaries in the UK.”