Reports Database:
The Global Fund Results Report 2015

“The Global Fund partnership brings together a myriad of strengths: finances; technical expertise; the experience and knowledge of communities affected by HIV, tuberculosis and malaria; innovation; and a capacity for constant evolution. The partners who comprise the Global Fund come with diverse abilities and points of view, yet they share a determination to serve people, to strive for social justice, and to achieve impact against HIV, TB and malaria and ultimately end the epidemics.
This report delivers a summary of the impact and results the Global Fund partnership was able to achieve by 2015, showing cumulative progress since the Global Fund was created in 2002. It is a collective effort, combining the strong contributions made by governments, civil society, the private sector and people affected by HIV, TB and malaria. Here are the cumulative highlights:
- 17 million lives saved; on track to reach 22 million lives saved by the end of 2016
- A decline of one-third in the number of people dying from HIV, TB and malaria since 2002, in countries where the Global Fund invests
- 8.1 million people on antiretroviral treatment for HIV
- 13.2 million people have received TB treatment
- 548 million mosquito nets distributed through programs for malaria”