Reports Database:
Kotex-Kizlar Sahada Athlete development program – SROI Analysis – 2021

About the Athlete Development Program
Kotex and Kızlar Sahada launched the Athlete Development Program to contribute to the empowerment of university students or graduate women football players by supporting their athletics, professional, personal and career development.
When the Program was announced 423 women athletes applied from 61 cities in 3 countries. They were evaluated according the criteria of the Program which was being university student or graduate and being TFF-licensed (Turkish Football Federation).
243 female university students or university graduates who were TFF-licensed football players with TFF license playing in women’s football clubs were welcomed to the program which took place online for 11 months.
In this program, athletes were offered;
- Training in 11 different disciplines,
- One-on-one coaching sessions,
- One-on-one consultancy from experts on various subjects,
- Via Wellbees Application athletes could reach blog posts and short videos regarding each training model every month,
- Rewards for participants in the App Market with the points they collected from the trainings and activities they participated in throughout the year.
the main purpose of Wellbees (the app) was to enable them to establish a social network, to be gamified as a new generation learning tool, to be interactive, to be able to add their own content, to encourage active living, to keep their daily scores.
Training Topics in The Program
- Sports Nutrition
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Sports Psychology
- Gender Equality in Sports
- Human Resources and Career Management
- Communication Skills
- Personal Brand Management
- Conflict Management
- Time Management
- My Compass, My Inner Coach
- Sustainability in Sports
The Program was designed with 25 volunteer consultants in 11 different fields and delivered by 103 volunteer trainers to participants (women athletes).
The participants also benefitted from the Wellbees application that offered challenges among athletes, creating events, rewards, blog posts and short videos related with training topics. So, the Program was designed not only based on information, there were fun facts as well.
The trainings were designed based on participants demand. They were asked about their needs and topics were designed accordingly. However, the Program’s design was not totally base on women athletes’ demand. For instance, even if they did not demand sustainability in sports module but consultants and Kızlar Sahada team thought that module should be included in the Program.
In order to maximize participation, the trainings were delivered with alternative days and hours. Each month was dedicated to one specific topic. There were 4 alternative days and two alternative hours (one a.m. session and one p.m. session), in total 8 alternative sessions were offered for participants.
Still, participants who missed the sessions of any module, make-up sessions were offered at the end of the program.
About the report
This report includes the social impact measurement of the Athlete Development Program covering 11 months period in 2021. The SROI (Social Return on Investment) analysis is used as a framework based on eight principles of the SROI that are reflected in the whole report. In accordance with these principles, all information about the Athlete Development Program’s social impact measurement is stated with transparency.
Purpose and Target Audience
This analysis targets two main audience groups; internal stakeholder (management level) and external stakeholders (investors, sports sector-specifically football sector, volunteers and potential volunteers).
Purpose of the analysis is basically to understand the changes that stakeholders have experienced as a result of the Program’s activities. Understanding changes with all aspects, positive, negative, intended and unintended, will inform decisions in much better way to optimize the value of the Athlete Development Program.
Purpose of the analysis regarding external stakeholders is to communicate outcomes of the Program and collaborate to decrease negative outcomes and increase positive ones where possible.
Scope & Boundaries
This SROI Analysis of the Program covers 11 months period of its activities, outcomes and impact. There are two main focuses of the analysis; (1) the main beneficiary stakeholder group (training participants) and volunteers (both trainers and consultants). In order to manage impact and optimize value the first step is to understand what changes have occurred for those stakeholders. Understanding whether the Program was able to create value for volunteers is an important component of this analysis. If so, this reflects Kızlar Sahada’s operations directly since volunteers are the most important social capital of the Program. Value creation for volunteers means better future collaborations to optimize impact. Therefore, this analysis’ scope is not limited with only the main beneficiary group.
There is a potential limitation of this analysis in terms of activities that stakeholders engaged in. The activities of the Program were designed in accordance with covid-19 pandemic conditions. Since all trainings sessions were online, results of this analysis reflect the impact of an online training program. In the next phase of the Program stakeholders will engage in both online trainings and activities in person. So, the changes that stakeholders will experience may be different. Besides, value of changes may be different too.
Type of SROI Analysis: