Reports Database:
Report on Social Value created by Offploy in 2023

Report on Social Value created by Offploy in 2023

“This research was commissioned by Offploy CIC and conducted by Bean Research. It forms part of a project to understand how the organisation creates social value, what its social return on investment is, and the development of a toolkit to support the wider rehabilitation sector in measuring and reporting the difference it makes.

Offploy supports people at risk of offending and re-offending, empowering them to access greater opportunities and achieve their full potential. They focus on tangible opportunities, such as skills development and access to resources, alongside tackling the mindset and self-belief challenges that individuals face.

This project was conducted through quantitative and qualitative research, using the Social Value International (SVI) Principles as a guide to make decisions and to take into account the broader definition of value. The specific focus of the social valuation was on the Candidates who participated in the programme. Offploy Candidates were actively involved as those affected by the programme, so their experiences have been respected, and their voices influence the process.

This research project and report show that Offploy creates significant value to society through its work with Candidates, generating outcomes based on the development of financial capability, employability and vocational skills, a more positive mindset, and employment opportunities.

Overall, the research shows that Offploy has generated just over £7 million of social value through their activities in 2023. When factoring in the investment required, this means the Social Return on Investment (SROI) ratio is £1: £12.09, although based on further sensitivity analysis, this should be more truly shown as a range between £1: £9.20-£15.30.

Our analysis shows that the largest contribution to social value is the increased positive mindset of Candidates created through working with Offploy, measured by an increase in scores of wellbeing. This accounts for 37% of the overall social value.

Offploy is keen to use the research to provide greater insight into how to better support its Candidates and create the most social value for them. Through this research, Offploy has been working with the researchers to not just understand how and how much social value is created but to develop the tools, systems and understanding to conduct future social value measurement themselves.

In addition, Offploy is keen to go one step further and share these systems and processes with the rest of the sector, as well as the details behind the valuations, causality, and sensitivity assumptions made. Our joint hope is that this report is the first step in the journey.”