Reports Database:
Social Impact Assessment Report on the Idea Maker Program

Social Impact Assessment Report on the Idea Maker Program

Idea Maker Program is a social innovation project organised by Idea Maker HK to train underprivileged youth to become tutors to educate children about STEM knowledge. Part of their program will be especially organised for underprivileged children through collaboration with social service organisations in Hong Kong.

This report is to evaluate the social impact of the self-financing part of the Idea Maker Program generated by Idea Maker HK from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 for their management’s understanding of the impact of the program.

We adopted the Social Value Analysis methodology according to “A Guide to Social Return on Investment” (2012 edition) and used the “eight principles” as guiding principles throughout the assessment process.

Through the assessment process, we concluded that the SROI of the project is 2.2, ranging from 1.3 to 3.2. In other words, Idea Maker HK invested HK$645,000 in the program and generated around HK$1.4 million in social and financial return, ranging from HK$ 856,657 to HK$ 2,093,615. The average impact score for the stakeholders is 3.9 on a 0-10 scale, showing a medium impact for the stakeholders on average.