Reports Database:
SROI Forecast of Teulu Ni: Early intervention that creates value in the lives of vulnerable families
Teulu Ni is funded by the Big Lottery’s Improving Futures programme and was awarded £863,832 for a 3-year project, operating between June 2012 and March 2016 (including a 10-month extension). However, owing to late changes in the project, there was an under-spend, meaning the total funding spent on the project was £836,535. The project works with families voluntarily, where the eldest child in each family is between 5 and 10 years of age, who are in need of additional support to prevent their situation escalating further to where they require statutory intervention. The main objective of Teulu Ni is therefore to provide proactive, integrated and purposeful services to prevent families developing more profound and complex problems requiring intensive and often more costly interventions.