Reports Database:
The Social Return on Investment Report on Taishin Charity Foundation’s tenth Power of Love Platform

“Taishin Charity Foundation (TCF) was founded in 2010 with the aim of supporting small-and-medium-sized charitable organizations and social enterprises with long-term visions and goals in cooperation with other agencies and foundations. TCF launched Taiwan’s first large-scaled online charity campaign along with assistance of capacity building at organizational level, called “The Power of Love Platform” (PLP). This study adopts the Social Return on Investment (SROI) methodology to forecast the social impact of the 10th PLP. The result finds that the SROI of the 10th PLP is $5.33; that is to say, the 10th PLP is estimated to generate $5.33 social value for every $1 invested. The sensitivity analysis indicates the SROI of the 10th PLP ranging 3.76 to 5.92.”