Reports Database:
The Social Value of Carmichael Centre

Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups (CCVG) was set up in response to the expressed needs of smaller community and voluntary sector organisations. It was originally established in the late 1980s as the Community Services Project 2 , before being founded as CCVG in 1990. It is the country’s first and largest shared services centre for the community and voluntary sector, with a slogan of “building stronger charities nationwide”.
Its vision is for “a future where charitable, community and voluntary organisations are empowered and enabled to help all people to have access to the range of supports they need to lead fulfilling lives” and its mission statement reads: “Carmichael Centre is a dynamic learning environment which builds stronger charitable, community and voluntary groups nationwide by providing the shared services, targeted training, good practice and governance support they need to build effective and sustainable organisations.”