Reports Database:
Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program SROI Analysis

Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program SROI Analysis

Turkish Grameen Microfinance Program (TGMP) has been established with technical knowledge transferred by the Nobel Prize Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus and the initial capital was provided by a member of the parliament of the 22nd term, Professor Aziz Akgül. Due to the efforts of Professor Aziz Akgül, a donation-based financing model was developed to alleviate poverty which does not require any collateral and is totally based on trust for financially challenged women who are ready to engage in income-generating activities.

This report includes the social impact measurement of the TGMP covering one year period, 2020, of its operations. The SROI (Social Return on Investment) analysis was used as a framework based on seven
principles of the SROI that are reflected in the whole report. In accordance with these principles, all information about TGMP’s social impact measurement is stated with transparency.