Reports Database:
Water+ Impact Report

“CARE has carried out water, sanitation and hygiene and WRM (hereafter referred to collectively as water+) work for over 55 years and is currently managing approximately 181 projects in both emergency response and long-term development in over 40 countries. In fiscal year 2012 (July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012) over 1.5 million people benefited directly from CARE’s developmental work in water+ and over 9 million from its humanitarian (emergency) water+ work. During the 1960s CARE focused on water hardware installations in poor rural communities in the developing world. Over the next 30 years as its experience grew, CARE tackled other water-related components such as sanitation, watershed protection, and health and hygiene education. Although projects supported by CARE have been predominantly rural, CARE has undertaken an increasing number of urban projects since the early 1990s. These include water supply, drainage, on-site sanitation and sewer construction, and solid waste management. Most recently the emphasis has been on building the capacity of local institutions (through working in partnerships with local non-government organizations [NGOs], local governments and the private sector), strengthening community-led WRM and total sanitation, and establishing a multistakeholder approach to IWRM with stronger emphasis on sustainability and the need to climate-proof services and promote innovations such as payment for environmental services.”