Resources Library:
Getting To Outcomes 2004
Promoting Accountability Through Methods and Tools for Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
The primary purpose of this manual is to help communities improve the quality of their programs aimed at preventing or reducing drug use among youth. Funders are increasingly mandating “accountability” for the public or private funds they provide by demanding high-quality outcome data to determine the success of programs. This manual describes a community planning, implementation, and evaluation model—organized as ten accountability questions—to help your agency, school, or community coalition conduct needs assessments, select best practice programs that fit your community, and to effectively plan, implement, and evaluate those programs. With high-quality process and outcome data, your group will be more likely to get long-term funding for these approaches.
Although this manual was originally developed to help communities plan and carry out programs and policies aimed at preventing youth drug use, it may also be useful for prevention efforts targeted at other youth behavior problems such as crime, teen pregnancy, or delinquency.