Posted 17th June 2015
Sophie Goudet, one of our members, in partnership with the African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is conducting an SROI on Home Based Nutritional Counselling Intervention in Urban Poor Settings, Nairobi, Kenya.
The study will assess the Social Return on Investment (SROI) of the Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN) project, implemented in Nairobi slums between 2012 and 20015, whose details are available online here. The MIYCN study is a home-based counselling of pregnant women and mothers of infants on maternal nutrition and optimal infant and young child feeding practices.
SROI is a method that measures the impact of an intervention in ways that are relevant to the people that experience or contribute to it in a participatory way. Monetary values are used to represent the changes created including social, environmental and economic outcomes.
The study will employ quantitative and qualitative methods in conducting research on stakeholders – the people who directly benefited from the MIYCN intervention including the mothers, other household members (e.g. father), health care workers, community leaders, and other key actors including government officers and officers from other implementing organizations. The study will investigate the beneficiaries’ perceptions on positive and negative impacts of the intervention. The findings will contribute to evaluation of the real value of the intervention.
The proposed research will also contribute to the ongoing research by Transform Nutrition in Bangladesh and Ethiopia in recognizing the wider benefits of a nutritional intervention in communities. Findings from this study will inform on prioritisation, implementation and scaling-up of nutrition specific interventions in Africa.
Study findings will be disseminated widely to policy/decision makers and implementers in Kenya, Eastern Africa and beyond to ensure use of the evidence to inform decisions/policies and practice. As a result it is expected that effective implementation of nutrition interventions in Kenya and possibly other Eastern African countries will lead to improved maternal and child nutritional and health outcomes.
- African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)
- Dr. Elizabeth Kimani-Murage (PI)
- Dr. Catherine Kyobutungi
- Mr. Fredrick Wekesah
- Ms Milkah Wanjohi
- Mr. Peterock Muriuki
- Loughborough University, United Kingdom
- Unit of Nutrition and dietetics, Ministry of Health, Kenya
- Other Stakeholders in Nutrition
- Dr. Sophie Goudet, PhD (co-PI), Loughborough University; UK
- Dr. Paula Griffiths, PhD – Loughborough University; UK
- Ms. Betty Samburu, MSc, Division of Nutrition, Ministry of Health, Kenya
- Transform Nutrition
If you’re interested in this research or would like to get in touch with Sophie, please feel free to send her an email. You may also get in touch with Elizabeth Kimani-Murage at [email protected].