Survey Launch: Environment and Social Value 

Survey Launch: Environment and Social Value 

Posted 8th July 2024

We are excited to announce the launch of the Social Value UK survey, aiming to capture valuable insights from those involved in social value activities and accounting, particularly in relation to the environment – and we want to hear from you!

About the Survey

This survey is part of the ‘Translating Environmental into Social Value’ Thought Leadership Group’s ongoing work. We aim to understand:

Your Participation

The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. Your input will provide crucial insights that will guide the recommendations of the group and shape future practices. We are committed to sharing the findings with you through Social Value UK’s membership and newsletter.

Thank You

On behalf of SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK, Ridge & Partners, Social Value UK, and the dedicated participants in the Thought Leadership Group, we thank you for your time and valuable input.

More about the Thought Leadership Group