Posted 19th March 2021
Applications for this role are now closed
Social Value UK intends to change the way society accounts for value. Our vision is for a world where resourcing decisions take account of wellbeing, equality and the environment and we are recognised as one of the world-leading organisations in the area of social value.
We are the professional body for social value in the UK, with organisational and individual members across the country from many different industries. Our work is with public, private, and civic sectors, and with our members to address and embed principles, practice, people and power.
The significance of the issues of wellbeing, equality and the environment can no longer be ignored, made especially visible by the climate crisis, Covid pandemic, #Metoo and #BlackLivesMatter movements. Recent growth in the Social Value movement has enabled Social Value International to become independent, having previously operated from within the Social Value UK team. We are now looking for new leadership for SVUK to focus vigorously on our domestic network and drive the social value movement forwards in the UK. We want to reach beyond the Social Value sector, so we have the best talent, creativity and wisdom in our team. We are recruiting:
- A Chief Executive who can drive a step-change in our organisation. The person needs to have a profound understanding of social outcomes and be interested in social value and its management. They need to be able to influence partners, investors, and members to create significant growth, and manage our finances rigorously.
- Following the successful recruitment of a new Chief Executive, we will recruit at least two new board members to ensure we have breadth and diversity across our leadership and governance.
We were established in 2007 and are now looking for our third Chief Executive, having been through set up and consolidation we now want to focus on sustainable growth. Jeremy Nicholls was our founder and led the organisation for ten years. Three years ago, Ben Carpenter took over from within the organisation.
Ben says:
“The social value movement in the UK is at an exciting point. The interest in social value has been accelerating over the last two years with increased activity across almost every sector. Never before has social value and wellbeing featured so heavily in policy making. Businesses and investors talk more about sustainable development, responsible business and ESG. Consultations from IFRS and IAASB show that mainstream financial reporting and accounting is seriously considering the non-financial information that we need to tackle the challenges the world faces.
All of this presents a major opportunity for SVUK but also heightens the risks that social value is hijacked or taken into a direction that dilutes our shared vision where decisions are made to tackle inequality and wellbeing based on a principles-based approach for accounting for value. SVUK has an excellent track record and membership base to steer the conversations into developing practice that is consistent with SVI’s standards and to develop a community of people committed to achieving our shared goal of changing the way the world accounts for value.”
Closing date: April 9th 2021 at 5pm