Tailored Support

We offer tailored support and workshops for members and non-members, using SVI qualified practitioners and impact management experts.
Our expertise spans across public, private and civil society matters, equipping you with the knowledge to progress your social value practice.
SVUK further offers support on Social Return on Investment (SROI) reports via mentoring and review schemes.
Tailored Support
The intention of this service is to guide and support an organisation-wide approach to social value practice and policy and to build internal capacity. We can support on:
- Social Value Strategy and Policy
- Development of, or review of documentation
- Gap Analysis
- Methods and Tools
- And more
As the name suggests each piece of support is planned and priced bespoke to your organisation, but by way of guidance, a half day of support from our Sector Leads is £800 + VAT and with a 50% discount if you are an Organisational Member of SVUK.
For more in-depth support, we have an incredibly skilled and knowledgeable pool of consultant and practitioner members, we can provide brokerage support to Organisational Members or you can view some of these here.
You can also book our sector leads to speak at your event, these are arranged and priced individually.
Tailored Workshops
We can deliver bespoke workshops for your organisation. Quotes for workshops are created on a case-by-case basis once we understand your requirements.
Organisational Members can contact our Business Development Director, Lauren Jones, directly to discuss organising an in-house or bespoke workshop.
SROI and Social Value Report Mentoring
The mentoring programme is designed for individuals who are conducting a social value or Social Return on Investment (SROI) analysis and would like to receive additional support and guidance.
Mentoring can be purchased in half-day increments, focusing on the areas you choose. This can include (but is not limited to):
- How to write an SROI or social value report
- Scope, objectives, and action plan
- Stakeholder involvement plan
- Theory of Change (ToC)
- Producing a value map/impact map
- Understanding causality
- Valuing outcomes
- Data analysis
- Using data for decision-making
- Outcomes measurement
The timescales will be flexible and based on the availability of the Mentor and Mentee. The programme is designed to be delivered remotely by email and phone/Zoom. Meeting up physically can be arranged but is not included in the costs.
Mentoring is priced at £400+VAT per half day. Organisational Members of SVUK receive a 25% discount.
A report produced with support from a mentor can be for any purpose except achieving Level 3 Advanced Practitioner status (as the mentor will provide support in judgements being made).
To register your interest in being mentored, please get in touch using the button below.
Report Review Service
Any method for accounting for social value can apply the Social Value Principles. The Report Review Service is a useful and practical learning exercise for any organisation that has prepared an impact report.