About us
Social Value UK was established in 2007 as a membership organisation, then known as the Social Return on Investment (SROI) Network. It represented a group of individuals who advocated for a way of measuring the impact of decisions beyond the balance sheet, pioneered by our experts.
Our membership is still at the core of who we are, and we are shaped by a community of experts and practitioners. We also welcome new members, including our growing Organisational Membership.
We have a committed staff, Board of Directors and Social Value UK Advisory Board.
Our Team and Board
We are a passionate team of staff and board members that work with commitment and energy to advancing the social value movement. Drawing from decades of experience across multiple sectors, industries and practices the team all play an integral part of running Social Value UK, alongside, our members and Social Value UK Advisory Board.

Social Value UK Advisory Board
At Social Value UK (SVUK), we see our membership as a citizenship; a collection of people and organisations building a powerful movement. The knowledge and expertise of our membership is an asset to SVUK and plays a valuable role in informing practice and shaping the future of social value in the UK. To harness this potential and to demonstrate the ambition of the movement, our previously successful UK Council was re-established in Summer 2022 as the SVUK Advisory Board.