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Q&A with Eleri Lloyd on Becoming an Accredited Practitioner

Social Value Commentary ·

The foundations of employee engagement: how purpose and culture are a vital ingredient to success

Social Value Commentary ·

Changing the debate on impact measurement and management

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Why is the UK facing a homeless crisis and what can be done?

SVUK Announcements ·

Lexington Communications Join as Social Value Partners

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Announcing Insight For Good as Social Value Partners

Social Value Commentary ·

Social Value UK Launch 'ValueGame: A method for involving customers in valuing outcomes' Document

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How do we know where the social value is in our activities?

impact postits
Social Value Commentary ·

Keep it simple, but make it work

SVUK Announcements ·

Merseytravel Renew Their Membership as Social Value Pioneers

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Inequality Continues to grow as the wealth gap widens, employment ‘rises’ and Brexit looms